
The Revolution


08-24-2013, 02:06 PM
So I was thinking Aspasia could become part of the plotting between Dempsey and Alena. Shelby and I were thinking that Dempsey may be manipulated by Alena into taking care of her pups as a father figure. Because he would be spending so much time with her, I thought he could fall for her. I don't know what Shelby is going to do with Alena yet, if she's going to ditch him or keep him, I don't know. Manipulative little wolf she is! But Dempsey being the undeniably male idiot that he is sometimes would try and get out of this 'relationship commitment' by proving to himself that he doesn't like or care about Alena by being with another female. This is where Aspasia could come in! She could be him friend with benefits! Maybe she could give him woman advice or something. You could even have her fall for him if you like. It would be one big messy triangle of love! Though I kinda like the idea of her staying a friend, with benefits, and giving him subtle advice with Alena(even if he doesn't recognize it). Then of course we would have to have Alena walk in on them at some point. Dempsey would be horrified! Alena, well I don't know what Shelby will have her think, but Dempsey would probably be a bit mad at Aspasia and she could get pissed at him for ignoring it. It would be a ton of fun and such a mess, so many options! -sort of just spit this out... it can change in anyway you'd like-