
Bear It In Mind

[More Bear Murder]



Advanced Fighter (85)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

5 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut1KValentines 2020Trick 2019
03-30-2020, 10:07 AM
Eligos crouched within the grass, step by careful step stalking the oblivious grouse he intended to be a meal, when a sudden commotion from the river caught his attention. It might cost him his meal, but better to be aware of his surroundings and miss a meal than be caught unaware and die. So he carefully raised himself over the grass and scanned the river for the cause of the commotion. Almost immediately he dropped back to his paws, prey forgotten as the possibilities crowded his mind. Aurielle, trying to go toe to toe against a bear alone. If he did nothing,she could be killed. He had no idea yet who her successor would be in that eventuality - would they be more amenable to his pack, or more hostile? Or would the pack fall apart completely, removing them entirely from the equation? If anyone else stepped in to help, an opportunity would be lost. If he stepped in, he put himself at risk for what was likely very little reward.

When he found himself moving towards the altercation, he was a little surprised at himself as he had not consciously made a decision. But he was willing to listen to the inner prompting, whether it was intuition, or instinct, or the Fallen God. As the decision solidified, he leaped forward in ground-eating bounds. He made no sound, not a snarl or a call of warning to Aurielle, and as focused as it was on the other alpha it didn't notice his pawsteps until it was too late to turn.

Eligos gathered his long legs beneath himself and leaped, throwing himself onto the bear's back and grimly sinking every tooth into the bear's scruff. Paws flexed to drive dull nails against the fleshy surface beneath the fur, to hold what grip they could while the bear sought to throw off the heavy, clinging nuisance.