
Claw My Face Off [Nolan]

Nolan I


2 Years
Dire wolf
Athena I

03-30-2020, 01:53 PM

Nolan grinned happily when Cairo nodded in agreement with his ideas and went with him to pull out the materials they would need before settling down to lay his leg across the leather like Cairo had. ”I don’t mind the lacing, at least not for the main part of it. But the adhesive might be a great way to attach the metal pieces later! I think a layer of leather over top the metal could be a good idea too to help keep them from falling off so maybe we can use that stuff to attach that too.”

He began looking for the charcoal to start tracing an outline to cut from, but he paused to give Cairo an eager smile at the suggestion that they go looking for the pieces of metal together. ”Yeah! I’d like that!” He had honestly been a bit nervous about coming to this pack since he didn’t know how it would be trying to make friends with the wolves here, but as long as they were all as welcoming as Cairo then he was sure his worries were all for nothing. He refocused on the project at hand, carefully making the marks they would need and mimicking the motions that he had watched the older male make when they had begun his set. It was a little tricky at first to get the hold he needed on things and figuring out how to cut in a straight line, but he got the hang of it fairly quickly.

He sat back to admire his work, making a couple of adjustments here and there to make sure they were cut properly. ”There we go!” he said with a grin before taking them over to the water to start that part of the process. ”Do you have any siblings?” he asked to make conversation while he wrapped the leather around a branch to shape it, curious to know how many cousins he had just from Cairo’s part of the family. If what his mother had told him was correct, the Adravendi’s seemed like a big tree with lots of branches and he was excited to learn about all of it.