
No Time For Drowsiness [Tamsyn]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
03-30-2020, 03:39 PM

Tamsyn gave a small nod to the simple question over what happened with her family. ”Yes... Something like that. My father made it pretty clear that I wasn’t welcome there any more.” Being ‘kicked out’ sounded much more simple than what actually happened, but it was an easier way to summarize it that way. At the very least it was easier than getting into the gritty details of why she had been banished from them. It didn’t seem to matter in her mind that none of it had been her fault - it still felt like something she was afraid to revisit.

She grinned at Natha’s praise and looked around to enjoy the view that she never got to see. Sure, she had taken in the views from cliffs and hilltops and mountains, but it was different see things from this angle. A bird fluttered overhead and she tipped her muzzle up to see them, spotting a nest tucked into the crook of a near by branch. It seemed like even birds had a home to call their own and it made her wonder if she should let herself find one for herself again... But that was a far larger question than she was able to answer right now.

”Now I just have to figure out how to get back down,” she commented with a chuckle, glancing behind her at the branch that she had recently climbed. Tam carefully got herself to her paws and started shuffling backwards since she wasn’t sure that she trusted herself to turn around in place on something this narrow. She got to a place where she could step down onto a slightly lower branch and did that a couple of times, using the surrounding trees and branches like stairs till she finally hopped down onto the ground. She stood there with a relieved smile, looking up to Natha again. ”That was fun, but I think I’ll leave the tree climbing to you.”