
A Warlord's Welcome



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
03-30-2020, 05:05 PM

She smiled to his invitation to ask for his help and nodded in response. ”Thank you, I will.” Not being able to offer much in the way of skills had been a big worry for her when she had decided to attempt living with a pack again, but so far everyone had been so willing to help her learn and that was enough to eliminate most of her worries. She still didn’t know if she was going to be any good at it or not... But surely with enough practice she would get the hang of it. She noticed the change in his expression when he spoke about Zee and it made her smile. To have someone that looked like that even just at the mention of his wife... Zee certainly was a lucky wolf.

When Sirius turned the conversation to the wolves that had given her the scars she wore around her leg and jaw, her smile faltered and she glanced down at her foreleg thoughtfully. ”No... I don’t believe so,” she finally replied after a moment of hesitation. ”I doubt they even know I’m alive. My father wounded me pretty badly before he banished me from their pack. I hope they think that I died in the wild on my own so they won’t come looking for me.” It seemed easier to talk about her past now. Between her experience with Zee and having Resin to turn to it didn’t seem quite as overwhelming as it once had.

She brought her gaze back to the Warlord’s and went on to explain a bit more. ”Long story short... I didn’t fit the mold that my family and pack had for me. Females had a very specific role and I refused to bend to fit it. All of these are from punishments my father and brothers gave me,” she said, nodding to the layers of scars scattered around her leg. She turned her head to the side for a moment so he could see the larger scar that marked her neck right bellow her jaw. ”This is from him attacking me before he sent me away. I guess it was his way of killing me without having to do it himself.”