
Bear It In Mind

[More Bear Murder]



9 Years

The Ooze ParticipantDouble Master
03-30-2020, 06:51 PM
That Sea is just a Gambler at Heart

Dómari was just finishing his border patrol when he caught sight of Aurielle headed north. Curiosity got the better of him and he started to follow. She was far ahead of him, very far, but her glowing white coat was easily visible thanks to the moonlight where as his practically melted into the dark night. His companions moved quietly along beside him. He knew he shouldn't be meddling in the alphess' business but he wanted to make sure she was alright. Course, if he could just catch up with her he'd call out and let her know he was there. He considered howling but he didn't want every creature including some less savory ones to know there was a wolf seemingly alone in this wilderness. Bears would be seeking to fatten themselves up for the winter and the prey numbers were still recovering from the volcanic explosion. Wolves were not off the menu for desperate predators.

Aurielle stopped near the river and that gave Dómari some time to catch up. Just as he was getting close enough to shout he saw a dark shape moving toward the alphess. Oh no! A bear! Dómari put on a burst of speed and charged for the bear, calling out a warning that he wasn't quite sure would be heard. The bear and the alphess were engaged in battle but as the bear pursued her along the river shore his back was turned to Dómari who dove down low, seizing the bears ankle. .He thrashed violently ripping flesh as he sought to dig down to the tendons. He was dimly aware of the other dark wolf on the bears back but he figured he'd take the extra help where they could get it. The bear leapt forward, ripping itself free from his jaws before whirling around to glare at him, fury in its eyes that seemed to glow red in the moonlight. It dove for him. He just narrowly avoided its claws which tagged his shoulder and caused him to yelp. The beast was much faster than he anticipated!