
i found a way to catch that feel good


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
03-31-2020, 02:46 AM

Tamsyn remembered hearing about some of the history with the man that had fathered Resin’s children when they first met, but hearing that her friend had killed him was new information. It made her eyes widen in surprise before she glanced away to look at the path ahead of them again. She didn’t comment on this new fact right away, instead mulling it over quietly for a moment.

It wasn’t that she didn’t see a reason for him to be killed. The way he had injured Resin and attempted to murder their children more than explained her reasoning. The only thing that made her pause was the laws that had been firmly planted within her mind from the day she was born. Murder or killing of wolves of any kind for any reason was one of the few commandments that they all strictly followed. Even suicide was highly frowned upon and whenever they would find a wolf that had done such a thing there was always rumbles through the pack of how their soul was now forever damned. It might be one of the reasons she had kept herself from it for so long.

The fact that killing was not the sin and taboo that she had grown up believing it to be was something that was going to take time for her to fully accept, but it wasn’t something that made her view Resin any differently. When she glanced back up at her scarred face she was just as happy to be there with her and in the end that’s all she really cared about. ”I’m glad you got to reconnect with your daughter,” she mentioned with a smile. She didn’t quite know what it was like to have a strong bond with a family member, but she could guess that Resin really cared for her and Tam just wanted Resin to be happy.