
Thundering Giants


03-31-2020, 03:22 AM

Heavy wings beat audibly in the oddly silent forest. The great trees made even the harpy Celaeno look small. The silver and smoke avian was on the large end of the spectrum as far as size went for a harpy eagle. She had been the only egg and her parents, very skilled hunters, had fed her well. Their skills had been passed down to her as her current state showed. Grasped between wickedly curved claws was a young deer. Less than a yearling, but more than a fawn.

It was no great task to lift her meal into the crook of one of the giant trees. She wedged it there, allowing the tree to hold the deer in place as a thick, curved beak of dusted ebony pierced the flesh. She consumed the choicest parts of the deer before giving it a kick with one clawed foot. Dislodged, the deer fell to the ground below. Food for scavengers. A good meal with lots of meat left upon it.

Spreading her wings once more, Celaeno glided down to rest upon a tall but somewhat flat rock. She was a big more awkward on a flat surface, but she could manage. Plus with the rock being so tall and not easily accessible, it would be a hard task for a predator to reach her. Stretching her wings to their seven foot span, the feathered woman close her eyes and released a sigh. The heat of the sun beat into her body, absorbed by the dark, silken feathers. There was no better feeling than filling your belly and taking a sun bath.