
i found a way to catch that feel good



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
03-31-2020, 09:36 AM
Tam had not met Iolaire yet and had said she would look out for her. Resin chuckled and shot a glance at the small wolf. "She's the one that looks nothing like me." It was like some great joke. The black and grey warrior was huge. Iolaire's father had been larger still. And yet, Io was smaller than Tamsyn. Most found it terribly comical.

The explanation that Tamsyn gave was a little shocking, to say the least. The woman seemed so positive; so cheery. Had she not told Resin directly that she had considered killing herself, she would have trouble believing it. The woman found herself feeling... angry. Suicide was so easy. It was so final. Giving up wasn't an option. Not in her world.

Anger gave way to something else. Relief, maybe? She shot a golden glance towards her companion and when she spoke, her voice was low and tinged with... something. "I'm glad Zee found you when she did." That was all she would say on the matter. She would keep her judgements to herself, but she was glad that Tamsyn's plan had failed.

As they curled around the edge of the Weeping Wood and neared the coast, a little bit of thunder began to rumble in the sky. Soon the sky split and a cold rain began to hammer down upon the pair. Normally, she would continue on through the rain, but she didn't want to subject Tamsyn and possibly have her fall ill. With a pull of her shoulder, the big fae motioned for her companion to follow. The hollow of a big willow would serve as a temporary rain shield. Squeezing her body inside, she settled, facing the exit. They would be forced to lay against one another, but it was better than getting soaked, she supposed.
[Image: GreYdcM.gif]