
i found a way to catch that feel good


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
03-31-2020, 11:11 AM

As perceptive as she was, she couldn’t decipher the emotion in Resin’s voice when she said that she was  happy that Zee had found her. She gave her a slightly curious glance. ”I am too,” she replied, though she was still trying to decipher how Resin had reacted. She was grateful every day that she spent in the Armada that Zee had found her and had convinced her to come here. Tamsyn still wasn’t convinced that she would have actually gone through with it, but if time had worn on her psyche any more than it already had... Even if she hadn’t killed herself that night, she might have in the days or weeks following. Her coming here completely reframed her perspective and altered the course of her life forever.

When the rain began to fall she looked toward the sky with a disappointed frown. She didn’t want the weather to interrupt her time with Resin. She was willing to stick it out through the rain storm if the warrior was, but Resin led them off their path and toward a large willow tree. Well, Tamsyn was happy that they weren’t parting ways just yet despite the change in weather.

The smaller woman was quick to slip into the hollow next to Resin, thankful to be out of the downpour. However, she quickly realized how small the space was in comparison to Resin’s large size and how tightly she was pressed against her. Her side was completely against Resin’s and that closeness kicked up the annoying butterflies in her stomach again, making her face flush under her fur. She was admittedly thankful for the warmth since the rain had quickly drenched her, but she had a hard time meeting Resin’s gaze out of fear that her friend might notice the flustered embarrassment on her features.