
don't skip the formalities




9 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
03-31-2020, 01:44 PM
Between meeting Kestrel, and finding a young dog caught in someone's old forgotten metal snare who he was helping back to Valhalla to treat his wounded leg, Tornach had been gone far longer than he had ever intended to be. But the company had been pleasant enough, despite illness and injury, so he hadn't minded the delay and he was in far better spirits than he had been for quite some time. He was late enough that Aiden - who was was not generally quick to worry about his absence and had been the one encouraging him to get out and regain his freedom - had been keeping worried watch for him in the sky, and came diving down to scold him as he approached the wall at a slow limp to accommodate the young collie limping beside him.

"I'll tell you everything later," he finally interrupted the blistering tirade delivered on him by the falcon. "But right now I've promised Tam some help -" The young border collie gave an embarrassed nod, which Aiden returned which a fierce glare. "- and I'm afraid I'll have to bring him into Valhalla's lands to do so since I don't have anywhere else at the moment, so I'll need to call for my niece to get permission, so I haven't the time to explain just yet."

The much-smaller dog sighed, clearly embarrassed to be the cause of any trouble but also very obviously in need of the help, to judge by the lacerations on his foreleg where the metal snare had tightened enough to cut into flesh, and the lacerations on his lips and gums where he'd tried to grip it enough to loosen it.

Tornach raised his scarred muzzle and called out for Aurielle. He didn't want to bring the injured canine past the walls without Aurielle's knowledge, even if he wasn't a wolf the intrusion of another canine predator would likely be unwelcome without permission.

This character is equally proficient in both English and Irish Gaelic

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