
Claw My Face Off [Nolan]

Nolan I


2 Years
Dire wolf
Athena I

04-02-2020, 12:20 AM

Nolan listened curiously while Cairo spoke of his siblings, the opinions of the various branches of the Adravendi tree, how his name came from a distant relative... It seemed like there was still so much he didn’t know about their family. Most of it sounded vaguely familiar from the stories his mother told him as a pup, but there was a lot more detail and depth when Cairo talked about it. Hearing that not all his siblings were necessarily happy about his portion of their tree made him a bit nervous to meet them, but he tried to be positive and think that perhaps he could help make a positive impression on them. After all, there was a lot of history, but they were all young and together they made up the newest generation of their family.

He took the strip of leather from Cairo gratefully and used it to secure his bracers to the branch. So far it seemed like everything was going smoothly! He couldn’t wait to try them on and to go out exploring with Cairo to find pieces to add to them. ”I’ve heard a few stories here and there, but not nearly as many as you have,” he replied with a chuckle now that his attention wasn’t being taken by their project. ”I don’t know if my mother is really as knowledgeable about our family as you or Regulus or Aurielle would be. She hasn’t lived here for a long while - until now of course. Plus there was just so much going on this last year that I haven’t really had much of a chance to talk to her about it... But I’d love to hear more of them! I’ve always liked listening to stories and they’d definitely help pass the time.”

He listened to his cousin talk while he continued to work, starting the slow, tedious process of attaching the lining, the toe covers, and making adjustments as he started trying them on for size. They certainly weren’t perfect, but for his first pair he was certainly proud of them. Considering he didn’t even know what bracers were when this whole thing began he was extra proud of himself! Cairo’s tales of their family helped to pass the time just as he thought they would and by the end of it he knew more about the Adravendi’s story and had a new set of bracers. Not a bad way to spend an afternoon!

”I think these are about as done as they can be until we find the pieces we need!” he declared, laying them side by side on the ground in front of him with a smile, his tail giving a pleased wag.