
i found a way to catch that feel good



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
04-03-2020, 12:02 AM
It was a good thing that the weather outside was chill since it was getting rather warm inside the tree. When Tamsyn curled her body into the big fae's side and placed her head upon the scarred shoulder, Resins currently warm cheeks burst into flames. Her pelt bristled slightly as goose flesh prickled her skin, but soon smoothed. Tam seemed comfortable, so she attempted to be comfortable as well.

"At least with a storm so heavy we won't be stuck here for long." She attempted to make small conversation, lest the silence be uncomfortable for her companion. It was difficult to deny her sudden attraction for the smaller woman. Resin had always found herself attracted to both genders, but it had been a long, long time since she'd felt anything for anyone. Generally speaking, her most used feeling was disdain. The gruff, older wolf didn't care for most people at all. Had it not been for Iolaire, there was no price someone could pay to make her stay around this many wolves. But... had she not stayed... she wouldn't be in this awkward, yet slightly thrilling predicament right now.

Casting her goading, golden eye towards the one tucked against her, Resin noted a fleck of debris stuck to the bottom edge of one black ear. Leaving forward, the warriors dusty blue nose pushed the fibers of rotting wood off of Tamsyn. This act curled her thick neck over top of the smaller woman in a strange sort of embrace before she settled back once more. "You had a bit of dirt just there," She offered in explanation.
[Image: GreYdcM.gif]