
Thundering Giants


04-03-2020, 12:32 AM
The crunch of bone brought the harpy's neck swiveling on her body. A young wolf had found her leavings and was consuming the remains of the deer. Celaeno could afford to be picky and so she had eaten the liver, the heart and a few bites of haunch. The rest was left untouched. The next time she was hungry, she would pluck another unsuspecting creature from the ground, fly it up high, and drop it. Easy kills. Eating the choice bits made her huge and healthy. A force in the skies. In the air, the woman had no enemies.

Head tilted slightly, the silver crown of feathers swaying with the action. Endless obsidian eyes fixed on the girl and the eagle kept her gaze locked while she turned the rest of her body to face the girl. Those great wings closed and she leaned forward over the edge of the tall rock. "Not too proud to eat the remnants of another's meal. That's good." The avians voice was different than a wolfs. Her tones were accented. Each syllable held a strange hollow sound in it as if even her words were wind.

"What is a young wolf doing so far from home? No other wolves around here, you know." Extending her wings again, the slate and silver bird glided easily back to the branch positioned over where the girl fed. She aimed to get a better look at her. Predators seemed to always have a similar language. There weren't many around these parts with a brain, so she was digging for a bit of conversation.