
i found a way to catch that feel good


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
04-03-2020, 02:49 AM (This post was last modified: 04-03-2020, 02:54 AM by Tamsyn.)

Tamsyn kept waiting for Resin to shift away or make a comment on their closeness and was pleasantly surprised when it never came. Once she got over the initial nerves she felt over making a move like that, she was able to relax a bit more into the larger woman’s side. ”Right, of course,” she replied when Resin mentioned that the storm shouldn’t last long, even though she really wasn’t in much of a hurry to go anywhere. She didn’t know how to describe her feelings in that moment, all she really knew for sure was that being around Resin made her happy and made her feel safe. Anything else was a mystery to the smaller woman who had never experienced things like attraction or love. The best guess she had was some kind of mix between excitement, happiness, and nervousness.

She had just begun to settle and her heart had nearly calmed back to its normal rhythm when the larger warrior’s neck seemed to cover her and pull her into a bit of an embrace. Her warmth surrounded her for a moment and immediately sent her heart into a flutter all over again. Tamsyn couldn’t understand what was making her feel this way and the only thing she could do was chalk it up to the fact that she had never been so close to someone before. It had to be just cause she wasn’t used to this kind of physical touch or affection, right? At least that’s what she kept saying to herself. She felt Resin’s nose at her ear and then just as quickly that warmth was gone and she was looking up into her single golden gaze once again. When she heard the explanation that there had been a bit of dirt caught in her fur, Tamsyn nodded and felt silly for ever thinking it was an embrace or something of the sort.

”R-Right! Right, of course, thank you,” she replied with a soft laugh, trying and probably failing to play it off. She shifted her eyes away from Resin’s while she went back to trying to steady her own emotions, looking instead at her own paws. Just then, an extra loud clap of thunder startled her, making her jump with a surprised gasp. Her paw reached over and held onto Resin’s foreleg right above her elbow until the rolling thunder finally passed and she was able to breathe a soft sigh. ”Sorry,” she apologized with a small smile, her ears flicking back as she slipped her paw away again. “I’ve never liked storms very much.”