
i found a way to catch that feel good



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
04-04-2020, 05:37 AM
[Image: 7zY8pr0.png?1]

Resin listened as Tamsyn spoke of her upbringing and the land where she was born and raised. The black wolf had begun absently sliding her pawpads back and forth over the scars upon one of the maned dame's thick forelegs. It was strange, but not wholly unwelcome. It was just something that she was not used to. Touch was foreign these days. Rarely did she come into contact with the body of another. Even her daughter and sister didn't receive physical affection from the one-eyed fae. It just wasn't her thing. Tamsyn touching her felt a little different. More welcome than the touches of family.

The dark fae continued to speak and inside, the behemoth was seething. She wanted to destroy Tamsyn's entire pack. The men for being sexist bullheads and the women for being weak cowards. She was proof that women were only weak if they let themselves be. So many males believed that females were inferior. Stay at home. Take care of the pups. Greet them when the came home from the hunt. Lift their tails whenever a man wanted. No. That was not the life for her, at least. Perhaps many females wanted such things, but she never had. Resin had always wanted to cut her own path with tooth and claw. Hearing that there were packs out there that kept their females under paw so much that they would banish them for the smallest disobedience... it lit a fire in her veins.

In time, Tamsyn tapered off and apologized for rambling. Resin gave her small paw a pat. "No need. I asked, did I not?" Lips curled back a bit, exposing the woman's strange teeth momentarily. "I must admit that I would love to watch your former pack burn. Were I younger and more whole, I might do it myself." Nothing had been out of the question years ago. She had been a guardian of the weak. A protector of the less fortunate. How times had changed... here, she was a glorified guard. A nothing.

Inhaling deeply, the woman released her held breath long and low. She decided to share her recent thoughts with the woman beside her. "I've been considering leaving the Armada. I'm not meant to be a pack wolf. At least... not one that lives beneath others. Perhaps I'll lay claim to my own patch of land. Take in those that can't protect themselves. The downtrodden and broken." A light shrug was given and another little sigh followed. "A lot of work is involved in running your own pack. I'm not sure if I'm up for it anymore." She was only seven, but years of battle made her body feel every year of it.
[Image: GreYdcM.gif]