
Thundering Giants


04-04-2020, 12:18 PM
Cel listened to the girls explanation and cackled slightly. "It would be a crime indeed." It was smart of the girl to realize the importance of food. Especially after the volcano. Game wasn't as prevalent as it had been prior. She didn't have a problem finding food, but she imagined large groups of wolves might. A lot of the herds had become thin due to lack of grass and plants.

The harpy was impressed with the child's answer and again, cackled merrily. "Well said, little wolf. Well said." Hopping down to ground level, the woman narrowed her dark eyes and stared hard into the young canines face. "You can only learn so much staying in the same place. Those who travel the world have more knowledge than the rest. This, I know." She had traveled the world. Was she not the smartest being that she knew? Of course she was.

Stalking around the edge of the deer, the massive eagle came closer to the wolf, inspecting her and taking in her salt. What was this child worth? Would she become everything that she wanted to be or would she let the world warp and destroy her?