
Claw My Face Off [Nolan]

Nolan I


2 Years
Dire wolf
Athena I

04-06-2020, 10:07 AM

”I definitely will!” he agreed when Cairo suggested that he ask Aurielle or Regulus for more stories about his branch of the family. He definitely wanted to get to know Regulus better since his mother had spoken of him so often and that seemed like the perfect way to strike up a conversation with the older male, but it seemed like an equally good opportunity to get to know the alpha of their pack a bit better. He was still learning what it meant to live in a pack and what roles certain wolves played in this whole grand scheme of things, but he was excited to learn and see how his family had lived over the generations.

He was getting ready to take his bracers back to the den to show Baine when Cairo caught him off guard with a more serious question. His pink gaze lifted to meet his cousin’s blue gaze, his surprise easily showing on his expression. Even though his time with his father had been short, he had never considered the fact that he could have not known him at all. It certainly wasn’t something he had expected from Cairo. It took him a moment to form a reply and when he did speak it was with a bit of hesitance. He didn’t want to accidentally say anything that would hurt Cairo’s feelings.

”Well... I don’t know if all fathers are this way, but mine was very protective and was really set on making sure I could take care of myself and my mother. He wasn’t around very long... He passed away before I turned a year old. The band we lived with that he had been a part of before my mother met him - they were all fighters and I think he really wanted me to be too. We practiced fighting all the time. It was fun though, he was never too harsh with me.” He paused while he tried to form some kind of fully fleshed out thought. ”It was really different from how I am with my mother... She’s a lot more gentle, you know? She’s still protective, but in a different way. She’s more... tender than he was.” His ears flicked uncertainly as he looked thoughtfully at Cairo. ”Did that answer your question at all?”