
And the lord said have mercy upon his soul




3 Years
04-08-2020, 06:33 PM (This post was last modified: 04-08-2020, 06:41 PM by Seadragoness.)
Noe remained relax, confident that, while with Idun, nothing would bother them. At least nothing that could not be handled. The female was content as she felt his touch and knew that moments like this was why she had chosen to stand with Idun as a female who would procreate with him and him alone. His touch, not his status, was what had captured her attention. The female did not mind the latter so much, but she did, however, respect that. Just as she respected the religion he had, listening to the words of his god Diaboli with an open mind, and craved to know more about the things he knew.

“They may have,” Her words were thoughtful. “Wolves of all different walks of life come to Boreas and Auster.” Once she finished speaking she fell silent, waiting for the answer to her question. She felt a bit of relief as he mentioned she would not be forced to take part in the sacrificial part of the religion. “The thing is… It is not that I believe it wrong,” She confessed softly. “It is not such an odd idea… sometimes such a thing is necessary for the survival of the whole. All creatures, not just wolves, have their own way of doing such. Maybe not as straightforward as when you praise your Lord Diaboli, but they do at all the same.” Noemí breathed out.

“That said… the act itself I do not feel is something I’m ready to do myself. As I told you when we met, your religion, and the praise you give Lord Diaboli have me curious, interested in how others have thought.” Noe frowned. “But I know for a fact, when one day I bear children, if one was not fit for survival… I could not be the one to take it’s life even knowing it was for the right reasons.” Noemí shook her head slightly. “I’m too soft hearted in those situations. That is where I will need to look to you, Idun.” She felt she could do better with those who were not handicapped in some way… but one that helpless? She wasn’t sure she had it in her.