
The Last Chick


Killian 2


2 Years
Extra large

04-08-2020, 10:56 PM

Killian was a rather neutral male with a soft spot for gentle souls such as the fae before him. The kindness of her words and the beautiful smile gracing those eloquent lips. As much as he had experienced the male could never turn down the company of a beautiful babe even if that meant chasing down a rogue chick. Thus as they ventured forth Odette expressed her gratitude for Killian assisting her. Her kind words brought forth a grin to his inky lips. The male shrugged gently, "Aye if I wasn't here I'd be patrolling and bored out of my mind. I am always game for some adventure." A husky laugh followed deep vocals as he turned his attention forward.

As they moved the babe spoke up once again. Killian offered often glances in her direction but maintained careful pad falls. Since they were so close to the border he was weary of what may be lurking just on the other side. Some predators were incredibly daring, but Killian was confident he could protect them if need be. "Before I came to Boreas I lived in a small tribe of Druidic Wolves. I was trained in hunting, tracking, and fighting. There were also a few healing and herb lessons but I almost always fell asleep during class." Another short chuckle was heard as their attention was turned back towards the runaway chick.

Suddenly they broke into action. Odette went left per her own instruction. Killian was honestly surprised to hear the smaller babe take charge but was not offended in the slightest. Even though he had only just met the handmaiden he was happy to watch her in action. Following her lead the male lurked as Odette chased the youngling towards him. Suddenly the chick broke from the brush with the tan fae on his rear. Killian then moved to carefully pluck the creature up from his legs. Dash wiggle and struggled but it seemed the position made it hard for him to do much. Killian raised his head and eyed Odette. The beast spoke through his teeth the best he could, "Where to?"
