
The woods that Cried




6 Years
04-09-2020, 02:23 PM

Large paws hit the earth like war drums as the form of a she-wolf moved through the woods. Stepping over the border and into the weeping woods with ease. Sharp baby blue eyes were trained upon that of a Rabbit that she had been chasing. The sound of her own heart urged her on, a whimsical whisper that told her to keep going. Thus, in an instant the ravenous babe launched her lean form from the earth and quickly towards her prey. Vicious fangs sunk into the tender flesh of her now meal and paws dug into the earth to slow her momentum. The Rabbit fought and squirmed but the life quickly faded from its black beady eyes. Her fangs dove deep enough into it's body to cause enough damage to put a quick end to her small prey.

After a few moments of collecting her breath Banshee let her catch rest before two front paws. Blood dribbled down her chin and painted her lips crimson. Fangs dripped in the metallic substance with ease. With a quick shake of her head and a shrug of her shoulders the femme plucked her catch from the earth and sauntered further into the wood to find a decent place to enjoy her meal.

As she ventured forth an unfamiliar scent filled her dappled nose. With a raised brow the babe instinctively tossed her prey to the ground beneath the brush and prowled forward to find the stranger. Her blue eyes promptly fell upon that of a large slate colored male seated beneath a willow. Banshee lifted a lip in a silent sneer as she watched him quietly for a few moments. She couldn't smell a pack on him and he appeared rather slim, it was clear the male was a rogue. Banshee thought to ignore the stranger, but figured it would be negligent to ignore someone so close to her borders. Thus, she breeched her hiding spot.

Banshee took a few strong steps forward with a raised head and blood staining her muzzle. She held the confidence of both a Klein and a Fatalis, "You are bold to venture so close to the Empire."
