
The woods that Cried




Beginner Intellectual (5)

Master Fighter (245)

10 Years

Pride - PolysexualHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
04-09-2020, 03:37 PM
He tested fate didn't he? The female was right, he was either bold or stupid to be lands near a pack. However, Eraithus was not stupid these lands were still free they were not claimed by any pack and they had no right to act like it did belong to them. "Bold or curious." he responded as he opened his eyes. Another wolf with something strange about them. "Do all wolves of Boreas have fangs or does it seem to just be a common occurence?" he was actually curious, the male stood up and let his body take in some energy. He smile, Eraithus didn't care though he was kind to his core there was nothing that would really change that. "My name is Eraithus, I'm actually around here because I'm looking for my siblings. I washed up on the place you call obsidian beach so I was looking around. Being this close to pack lands does indeed make me nervous but this is still free land I have no intention of over stepping the bounds of pack lines. It's rude and I don't know the temperment of any packs around here." he simply stated. Though the scent of something recently hunted made his stomach growl. He probably should have gotten something to eat earlier now he had himself looking hungry in front of a pack wolf.

"You though, young one. You're part of this Empire what's the name of it? You see in the mean time of trying to find my brother and sister I might as well learn the local packs. Boreas is a really strange land to me and you are only the second wolf I have seen, also albeit with fangs! They're amazing!" he found it fascinating. He wanted to see more of these lands. Though he also looked odd with his blue markings and colors. His sea eyes and rounded body. Despite his hunger it had only been a week so his fur was still glossy like that of a wolf who knew a life of luxury.