
Whip Out The Leatherman!


Cairo II


Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (295)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

9 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches HutValentines 2020
04-09-2020, 06:21 PM

He hissed out a faint sigh of relief, tail beginning to wag heartily as Red accepted the invitation. He nodded emphatically as Red told him he needed to grab tools and scraps, and as the larger male left momentarily to gather them, Cai sat back, unable to stop grinning as he looked forward to the first piece of armor, and the lesson he was in for.

As the gold-brindled man returned laden with his supplies, Cairo watched and observed with interest as each item was laid out, mentally trying a guess at what each was to be used for. The flint was a given – cutting implement -but what was the piece of bamboo for? He thought he could hear it sloshing with liquid of some kind.

Red finished spreading out the tools and posed his question and Cairo gave it a pause, forming the explanation in his head before he started in.

“I was thinking of body armor, a little like what Aurielle has…” He looked around and picked up a twig in his teeth, fitting it between his toes on the right paw so the tip lay at an angle between the toes and clamping them together. Carefully, very carefully, he sketched a wolf shaped squiggle in the dirt, marking roughly where he wanted the armor to cover. It was a rather messy drawing, but it got the point across… he hoped at least.

“I was thinking of adding pouches like saddlebags on it on either side… maybe detachable?”

Deep sapphire eyes flicked up to Red, wide with the hopeful honesty of a pup as he waited to see what the more experienced man thought.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think