
Matters of the Heart



08-24-2013, 06:26 PM

Sleep. It was all the girl would do lately, apart from eating of course. The eyes would remain closed, the darkness was almost like a comfort to Guinevere, it reminded her of the peace and quiet, which everyone needs every once in a while. Sprawled out would the lobes twitch every so slightly at the movements of new comers. With a groan the darker sibling would roll about until finding a small curb in the den that would fit perfectly against her small and delicate frame. Giggles and laughters would finally make the youngest child stand there; head lowered and gazing at the entrance, looking as if she where glaring when really she was just inspecting, before taking a small step out. The sight of her mother and father would set the Adravendi of in a hyper mode, all the sleep would build up to the energy that was stored inside. like an explosion the dame was Running out pacing up to the breakfast and back to the den continuously until finally halting, panting frequently to stare upon the meat, inches away from the muzzle. " Can.. Can I eat it?" Food, it was the only thing that would keep te girl going, even picturing it in the mind sets the mouth watering with delights. " Hi hi hi! Im Guinevere!" would the pitchy squeal be aimed at the older siblings, debating whether to go over and play or not. With some thought the pup would carry herself towards her father before laying back down, closing the lids shut and attempting to sleep until everyone tucks in. As if only a moment ago the boisterous dame was running about, sleep would now be the next option. Having her mother being so protective Guinevere always had a very wide imagination, thinking about what it was like beyond the borders, and to one day cross over.