
The Start Of A New Beginning


08-24-2013, 06:28 PM

Dual hued orbs flickered with benign amusement now at the girls wriggling energy. She seemed well off, unperturbed by the horrific scars that swarmed her body. He would not say anything though, not even when she asked her next question, "What about that?" He stared back without expression, without moving. He knew she would ask, her curiosity only natural for her as far as he could tell. She would want to know...and indeed, her other question confirmed it. She wanted to know where the scar came from, and figured it had something to do with the bands as well. A connection that the two things shared...nay, that the three shared. The bands, the scar, and the way he was now. all connected within his past, intertwining like pesky vines upon a wall.

He shifted slightly, ears flicking away the moisture that gathered and calmly he stood. He had nothing to hide, even if his past wasn't the best, it was the least he could offer to feed the curious girls mind. Would she know of Angeal? He wanted to ask, but perhaps another time. He was sure they weren't even in the same pack, but who knew? He didn't even know if Angeal was in these parts...though certain scents did say as much. He wondered whether or not he should blame Angeal for the way Sephiroth was now, but decided against it. It wasn't his fault...he would not bring his old mentor into thoughts that made him seem like a traitor or like someone who just abandoned him. He had too much respect still for that black male.

Looking back at the girl, he lowered himself to his haunches. Blue green eyes sought out the blue and yellow ones of her, an interesting combination he thought. "Well, I should start from just before it happened. Though in my short life it wouldn't be much to tell anyway. I come from a pack far from here, one that had a kind of...military way about it. I was a soldier in training at the time, a man by the name of Angeal was my mentor. He trained me since the day I could walk, not because he had to but because I wanted to. I was very much intrigued by the art of fighting and tactics...anyway, one day, the day I turned a year old he had disappeared. I had gone to his den to seek out some advice and maybe get in some more training, but when I arrived he was nowhere to be seen. I followed his trail, but lost it...not long after, about a day or so, trouble struck. Our enemy packs fell upon us, attacking my pack and slaughtering them. We fought as much as we could, but in the end it wasn't enough. I could only do so much, and their skill exceeded many of ours. I fought alongside my comrades Zack, Gillian, Tseng, Cissnei, and Cloud..." He paused here, thinking of that time in the fight. That was the last time he had seen any of them...Angeal would have been in with the list of names, if he had been there that is. "We fought as hard as we could, rent our enemies asunder. Tseng and Cissnei fought off a band that were trying to get at our pups along with Gillian. Zack, Cloud and I fought off others. But even with our skills, it wasn't enough. We watched helplessly as our numbers dwindled, many of our family and friends torn apart before our eyes. And finally, we were forced to retreat. We all went our separate ways to try and lead away our enemies, so I know not whether my comrades are alive."

He blinked away the emotions that had begun to surface, trying to forget those that he had left behind...those that at one point in time, had been important to him. "I acquired this scar in that battle. I fought with the Alpha's most powerful warriors, but their skills surpassed my own. I escaped with my life barely attached. And these bands...a reminder of my failures of that day." At last he finished his story. Though he had left alot out, he figured he would just answer her questions. What had spilled from his tongue was tied into the scar, and why the bands were reminders. Why he chose to wear them as such. He had failed his pack, his duties. Lost his trusted friends, not knowing whether they were alive or dead, and lost himself in the process. Something like that would do the same to any made him, cold. Distant. Detached from the world...he sat there, watching her for a reaction, a thought, more questions.