
Don't Play Koi [Sirius]



5 Years
Extra large
04-10-2020, 03:23 AM

Midnight paws carried him up the hill, and he panted with the exertion. He'd been climbing the incline for almost 30 minutes when he finally reached the top, paws settling in gossamer strands of grass. Small flowers littered the area, and the scent in the air was pointedly floral. Dove looked up and sighed at the view he'd found. The sea unwound before him, the sun's rays gleaming on its cerulean surface, and the screeches from the birds flying overhead wove in and out of the cacophony the waves created.

Dove sat, tail on the ground behind him as he closed his eyes, and sighed deeply as the wind ruffled his pelt. Leftover tension from the hike fell from his muscles, and the wind was cool as it came in from the coast. The thought briefly occurred to him that, perhaps, he should move his den here instead, but he banished it with the flick of an ear. There was no protection from the elements here, and although the weather was currently pleasant, there was no way of knowing if it would stay that way.

He was still quiet, enjoying the smell of sea salt and the sounds of waves breaking on the rocks below, when the sound of paws in the grass to his left caused an ear to swivel towards it as he opened his eyes. A wolf was there, and Dove canted his head to the side. "Hello," he said mildly, unhappy at getting caught unawares. Dove stood, though the brown and white wolf stayed a few feet away, and face the new man as the other wolf seemed to consider something.

"Greetings," he finally responded to Dove, taking a step forward. Dove eyed the other warily but nodded at him. "What brings you to this area?" the wolf asked, still moving forward.

Dove kept his face blank, though he did shift his paws nervously, taking a step back as the stranger advanced. Dove glanced, briefly, at the ocean, which was now to his right since he'd turned to face the copper-toned wolf. He parted his lips to respond as he turned back to the man -- and had to quickly move out of the way. Paws laden with claws similar to Sirius' and Mortis' swiped through the air, where Dove had just been. He looked at the wolf, eyes narrowed as he backed up a few steps.

"I said," the stranger enunciated, "What brings you to my territory?"

Dove's ears swiveled, pinning to his dome as he glared at the man, fear imbuing the air. "There was no scent marker," he spat, immediately angry at the other's actions. "Forgive the intrusion; I was unaware." The man smiled, clicking his tongue, brown eyes landing on Dove.

"Unfortunately, little wolf," he said, taking a step towards Dove, "that's not how the world works."

Dove's face fell immediately into a grimace, and even aware that this was a fight he would likely lose, still chose to charge forward. He'd seen in the man's eyes that he wouldn't walk away although he wouldn't let Dove walk away either. Not without a fight. Dove barreled towards him with wild abandon, fear in his veins and escape in his thoughts. The wolf sidestepped him, almost casually, and Dove skidded, his paws splayed in front of him when he felt pain on his neck. Teeth sank into his scruff, near his back, and Dove grimaced heavily, snapping his jaw shut to keep in the sounds of pain as the man shook him.

Reluctance slid through him as surely as a hefty dose of panic did, and he warred with himself. A fight he could not win, and unfortunately, there was only one wolf he knew well enough to call on. Dove felt blood dripping down his shoulders as lifted his head as best he could to howl for Sirius.
