
I Fart In Your General Direction




10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
04-10-2020, 02:07 PM (This post was last modified: 04-30-2020, 11:34 PM by Tealah.)
Now, Chaos had been having a swell little vacation for himself since Tyrian had taken over, but frankly he was starting to feel guilty about the whole thing. He'd told Tyrian he'd help him with the pack and instead had gotten a wild hair and taken off. But he'd been alpha on and off for years now, and regardless of who was running the pack now he still felt a strange sense of responsibility for it. So to make up for him being an asshole and leaving Tyr high and dry for a while, he'd taken it upon himself to do a bit of a scout to see how the other packs are doing. He certainly didn't want to make it worse for Tyr by actively trespassing and causing trouble with another pack, but checking them out and spying on them could only help.

He couldn't help but grin remembering that was exactly the excuse his mother had used to get his father to go on a little expedition to a certain pack's boat. Just go check things out, spy on them a little, intimidate them with their bold daring. It'd be fuuuun. Well it certainly had been, hadn't it? Since it had resulted in his birth later.

Of course, the ridiculous little wall that Regulus had started around his pack that his daughter had made even sillier by building onto it had annoyed Chaos from the start, and it made it a damned lot harder to do an efficient spy, not to mention just the principle of the whole thing made him itchy. So to facilitate his spying and scratch that itch he'd decided to do his spying on top of the stupid wall. He'd seen a sentry up on the wall near one of the openings so he'd been careful to avoid the pass throughs just in case they all had one, and made his way onto the wall well out of sight to sprawl out in a shadowy spot to lay motionless, watching the pack lands. Hopefully his own shadowy, vaguely-rock-colored pelt would let him remain more or less invisible from the ground while he made his observations.

WC: 361
Total: 561

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Unless otherwise mentioned as absent, assume that both Great Horned owl companions are nearby
Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write