
Look Out 'Cause Here I Come


04-10-2020, 03:14 PM
They wanted to send him away? Fine. It wasn't like they understood him anyway. It wasn't like he was happy there. It wasn't like he had any real friends or family that cared about him. They dealt with him for years with very little fuss. Find him diddling the son of the alpha, a grown wolf, and suddenly he's being banished. Well... it was their loss.

Kite, a tiny wolf swathed in earthen tones of browns and tans, picked his way across the land. He'd find someone, somewhere that appreciated him. Some day he'd find unconditional love and a place to belong. Some day... but for now he needed to find shelter. The night was cold and he was too small and thin to produce much body heat. The man was thankful for the luminescent waters that lit his way, though he didn't understand them. They didn't have things like this where he came from. They were incredibly pretty though and he kept stopping to admire the glow.

The hollow at the base of one tree caught his attention. It looked secure and dry as it was on a small rise in the landscape. It would do for tonight. Sniffing first, he decided that nothing lived in the place. A visual inspection affirmed that hypothesis. The bob-tailed gent slid beneath the tree and got himself comfortable. Now, sitting still with not even the sounds of his movement to distract him, Kite felt his loneliness keenly. He was a social creature. His great joy was to bring joy to others. He couldn't do that if he was alone. With a sigh, he placed his head upon two toned paws. It wasn't long before his teeth began to chatter.