
Look Out 'Cause Here I Come


04-10-2020, 03:41 PM
Whatever this place was called, they should rename it to heart attack central. One minute, Kite was minding his own business, freezing his tush off. The next, there was not one, but two faces staring at him. The buffet faces eyes went wide and it pulled back, taking the smaller face with it. Kite found himself releasing an involuntary yelp of fear and scrambling back against the far end of the tree.

"Oww, that hurt," cane in from outside. Well... anything that could take time out to say that it was hurt probably didn't want to eat him. Hopefully? Slowly and with great caution, Kite slipped his anak frame from the hollow and back into the cool night air. "Uhh..." He started, staring at the white wolf and the thing clinging to its head. "Are you okay? You hurt?" His fuzzy head rolled with the question.

Though the white man may not have seen the other creature lurking, Kite did. The glow of the water reflected off of a set of eyes. Kite pranced on tiny paws and peeked around the side of the bigger man and his companion. "Eeeee, there's a thing out there! Eyes!" This was all very exciting and he was no longer alone. Bonus!