
Look Out 'Cause Here I Come


04-10-2020, 04:13 PM
While Kite was glad that the wolf and lemur weren't injured, there was no time to focus on their good health. The dangerous creature staring at the pair of wolves was all that he could focus on. Rather than take a protective stance, the larger male began darting his gaze back and forth in a panic. Great! They were a bunch of cowards just waiting to be eaten!

The tiny man's attention had been pulled from the peering eyes during the panic and he hadn't even noticed the colorful woman come from the shadows. Again, Kite shrieked in surprise, hopping away. All of the blood drained from his face and he was pretty sure that he was going to die. The woman's words though...

It started as a tiny giggle. A chuckle of sorts. As the reality of the situation sank in, the laughter grew. Eventually Kite collapsed into the ground, great peals of unbridled laughter pouring from him. Tears streams from his eyes. There was no better feeling than relief after extreme panic. "Ohhh!" He managed to say through his crying laughter. "It was you! " When he was able to breathe again, he would explain if they needed him to.