
The Last Chick


Odette I


3 Years
Sylvia 1

04-10-2020, 04:33 PM

Odette Mooncrest

It had never crossed the fae's mind that wolves of higher rank might be bored with their duties. In her mind, the lower the rank, the less responsibilities were placed on your shoulders. If you weren't trustworthy enough to hold an actually title, then you shouldn't be given any responsibilities... right? But as the large brute expressed his boredom in his regular patrols, Odette started to realize it might be the other way around. Would higher ranks be expected to do less, and those below them pick up the slack? Shaking her head of any further negative thoughts, she tossed a playful grin over her shoulder. "My hen house is always under assault from predators, ya know. Raccoons, big birds, coyotes, and even Sirius's batch of wee devils. If your patrols on the border are too slow for you, come on by. It's almost always wild and I could use a warrior like you to fend them off." Her eyes widened for a split second as she realized that perhaps she shouldn't have spoken so strongly about the heirs... but it was a fair enough statement in her opinion. She couldn't count how many chickens she had lost to the likes of those pups!

Odette admired the life Killian described, how wonderful it must've been to be taught from such wolves. She could imagine the wonder they must've carried around them, and how nice they must've been if Killian came out such a gentlemen. Plus, he was given an important position, so he must be talented, and he was given the position by Sirius, presumably, so he was trustworthy too. When he finished, Odette hummed for a moment as she thought of over her response. "Sounds like a lovely place. I wonder if we will ever have enough pups to warrant such schooling." To her knowledge, it was only Sirius and Zee's litter running rampant through the pack. But perhaps if more mates came forwards and reproduced, a new generation could bloom and the pack would be in need of caretakers or teachers. Though she highly doubted the warlord and queen would allow Odette to teach any pups, perhaps they would allow her to act as a caretaker when parents were out on business. She sighed softly to herself, knowing good and well that sort of future was most likely a far off ideal rather than a reality.

Chasing down Dash and getting him to turn was simple enough, but as the fawn woman dug into the earth and urged her body forward, she could only hope the brute would be ready to catch the slippery bird. There was no way Odette would be able to snatch the critter on her own, her burning lungs told her that much already. However as she finally burst through the underbrush, with a few spare twigs and leafs as souvenirs to prove her efforts, she was ecstatic to see little Dash dangling from the male's lips. She panted softly as she approached the pair, eyes darting up to meet Killian's as he asked where to next. She winked to the warrior and smiled a wicked grin as she peered down at the young rooster, whose wings had fallen beside his head and his wide brown eyes stared helplessly from below. "Depends... Killian, are you hungry?" Odette watched as the young rooster's head cocked to the side, his gaze panicked. She left him there, imagining his doomed fate, before she giggled to herself. "We can grab a bite to eat after we bring Dash back to my place." The chick visibly relaxed, dropping back into his limp form, dangling from the large male's teeth.

Returning her attention back to Killian, Odette tilted her head to the side. "I can't thank you enough for helping, Killian. I would have never been able to catch him on my own." A truth she was all too painfully aware, as the chick had escaped her watch one too many times. "If you're not too busy with your.. exciting patrols.. I can show you the hen house, and I'll cook up some dinner." Seemed only fair to the fae to offer the warrior some sort of compensation for her time. But all she had to her name in this pack was her chickens, so all she had to offer was food. While she would understand if the high ranking male didn't wish to attend, she was happy she could at least offer it. If he denied, Odette would simply accept it, take her runaway chick, and head home. No hard feelings would be felt, and she would simply be grateful to have met another one of her pack mates.


Table by Sea
Art by Fox
Odette has a Sand Cat companion named Cordonia, and a Welsummer Rooster named Dash. Unless mentioned, it is safe to assume they are not  with her.