
Take A Wrong Turn

Sylvia 1


3 Years
04-10-2020, 05:36 PM
To have Aurielle divert her attack from the brown woman's shoulder to her muzzle was a smart move, Sylvia thought to herself as she allowed her jaws to snap close in the air. Time seemed to move slow for the viking woman as she attempted to avoid the jaws of her opponent, jerking her head backward as the sharps of the white woman's canine grazed over top Sylvia's muzzle and scratched into the skin enough to part the hair and draw superficial blood. It seemed like a fair trade as the chocolate woman suddenly felt the weight being lifted off of her pinned paw. With her paw no longer pinned, Sylvia favored to balance her stance, shifting the weight off of her left side and sharing the load evenly with all four of her paws. Finally, she could breathe for a moment. But it was a very short moment.

Not soon after the white alpha was swinging a front leg into the air, most likely to land on Sylvia's spine. However with her balance returned, the brown woman was able to pivot on her front legs, swinging her hind quarters to the left and out of the shorter woman's reach. Sylvia would push her weight back onto her hind and use the power in her thighs to lurch herself forward, hoping to slam into Aurielle's left shoulder and attempt to topple the smaller fae to the ground. It was the glint of her armor that caught the purple eye of the viking, alerting her to another attack. While in close range, Sylvia knew she would not be able to avoid the hit completely, but she could divert the injury to something less vital. So the woodland colored fae lifted her right foreleg to intercept the attack, allowing the sharp claw of her bracer to connect with her shin. Pain crawled over her flesh where the metal connected, and instantly Sylvia knew this wound was going to be a pain for the next several days.

Gritting teeth, Sylvia would have one more shot to pin the alpha, so she would twist her right foreleg, letting the bracer grind against her flesh as she would hope to slam her paw down on top of the bracer, aiming to force Aurielle's left foreleg down, and if Sylvia was lucky enough, even pin it. With Sylvia's weight placed into her front end, the chocolate woman would squeeze her ears against her skull and squint her eyes as she would attempt to swing out with her left paw and find purchase on the leather of Aurielle's torso, hoping to knock the woman to the ground. There was a burning beginning to form in her lungs, alerting Sylvia that this spar was going to come to an end; with either Sylvia getting lucky, or falling to the alpha of Valhalla.


Sylvia Ada Bjork vs Aurielle for Spar
Round 3/3
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Large
Build: Light
Skills: Beginner Fighter & Beginner Intellectual
Specialty: N/A