
I Fart In Your General Direction




9 Years

The Ooze ParticipantDouble Master
04-10-2020, 06:16 PM
That Sea is just a Gambler at Heart

Dómari continued on his way, tail held high. He couldn't believe what a lovely day it was and he wished dearly that some of his family were here to see it. "Hey Dom! How's the patrol going?" He turned to see Áskell scampering across the ground towards him. The quick black fox leapt upon the stone wall and was joined shortly by his pale brother Lynvarr who trailed along on the ground beneath them. "It goes slowly, but its a nice day for a walk."

He continued along the wall, the foxes in tow. After his patrol he had the rest of the day off but he hadn't quite decided what he wanted to do with his time. He did have a few hides that were tanning. Those would need to be checked on and he was going to look into drying some meat to try and preserve it. This might be a good afternoon to work on that project. The sun was warm enough to dry the meat and hopefully the cooler weather would deter insects though that was still a particular nuisance that would have to be dealt with. Then again… bugs could just be extra protein if he could get them stuck to the meat.

Dómari was wondering about this when he noticed something lumpy and dark up ahead. His eyes narrowed and then widened. It was a wolf! Dómari cleared his throat. "Excuse me, this wall is Valhallas pack border. You need to step down onto the- oh it's you again!" Dómari scowled at the man who had trespassed on their border before. "Don't even lie about not being able to smell the markings I did them just yesterday now will you please just go away if you don't have any business with Valhalla."

WC: 298
Total: 794