
The Last Chick


Killian 2


2 Years
Extra large

04-10-2020, 06:27 PM

The proposition of assisting the beautiful handmaiden by protecting her hen house did not sound bad. Killian never shied away at the chance of flexing in front of pretty babes as well as getting a good exercise in. Though, warding off the royal spawn was a whole different can of worms. Killian was aware of how protective he was and wouldn't want to cause any trouble by scaring away those massive pups of his. Nevertheless, the slate beast would take his chances and agree to help. "You can count on me stopping by then. Sounds like a good opportunity for some action." Killian sent the sand toned babe a wink.

Thinking back to his homeland Killian had a fondness for his previous pack. If it weren't for the famine there could be a chance the Klein would have been settled down with a family of his own. Well... maybe not settled down. Killian would always have his duties and aspirations. But, a lovely lady and some pups of his own didn't sound like a bad idea. It seemed since coming to Boreas the male hadn't the chance to meet many fae's or really anyone outside of the pack in general. It felt as though everything had reset. "Maybe one day, love." A sly smirk stained those inky lips per usual.

As the youngling dangled from his jaws the male listened to the fae's words with a curious look. A rather direct threat was made to Dash which called for a light chuckle to escape nearly shut jaws. Next came vocals of gratitude and an invitation for Killian to join Odette for a meal. This caused the Klein to raise a brow before offering a gentle smile, the best he could with a chick's leg between his teeth. "Nothing would make me happier." Killian lightly gestured towards the path back where they came. "Lead on."
