
Look Out 'Cause Here I Come



6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Pride - GayBeevent
04-10-2020, 06:35 PM

It wasn't exactly helping that Octave had suddenly become the center of attention. Still with his eyes closed and the gentle coaching of his companion and the woman he was starting to get his breathing under control. His eyes flew open when he felt two small paws on his face. For a moment his eyes flew wildly, then they centered on the small man, coming to rest on two aqua and turquoise eyes. The man's words were soft, calming and though not quite the same those kind brilliant blues reminded him of his parents, of his sibling's eyes, enough to help bring him down, summoning memories of their calming presences.

That familial comparison did not last for long however as the man gave a sudden kiss on Octave's nose. Octave's gaze grew wide and he felt a different sort of fluttering in his chest. Blood flooded his face and he struggled not to gape. He wasn't used to gestures of affection from most wolves, let alone cute ones, cute male ones at that. He'd always known his own orientation, and his family had never made him feel shame for it but it wasn't exactly easy to get out there when you couldn't talk to strangers.

The man dropped down and addressed the colorful woman. Noko seemed to sense her companion's slow processing power and pipped up. "It does!" She said, flashing the pair a grin. "Should probably introduce ourselves! I'm Noko, this one's Octave." She said, gently petting Octave's head as she indicated him. "I promise he's not being rude, he just struggles with speaking around strangers. That's why he keeps me around." She spoke gently at first, clearly sympathetic to the wolf's plight but her tone became a bit more comedic and she winked at the pair. She waited for a moment when their attention was elsewhere to swing around the side of Octave's head and give him a knowing look, sticking her tongue out before swinging back onto her perch. Noko was, if nothing else Octave's best and most annoying cheerleader.

"Shut up Noko." Octave managed, soft enough that he was certain no one but his intended audience might hear him, maybe the man would feel the whisper of his breath...

Octave & Noko

[Image: dPPg3BE.png]
Octave mostly speaks through his Red bellied Lemur companion Noko, assume she's with him unless explicitly stated otherwise
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3