
The woods that Cried




6 Years
04-10-2020, 06:49 PM

Banshee's sharp eyes remained trained on the blue male as he offered a response. Curiosity was usually responded with boldness. That was exactly why the babe had approached the stranger in the first place. It was fueled by curiosity as well as her protective nature. The Armada had pups beyond those borders and she was rather careful to keep an eye on those who ventured so close. Yet, her thoughts were tossed into another direction as the curious being inquired about her fangs. Involuntarily her tongue flicked against one of her protruding fangs before offering a small shrug. "Mine are from some sort of sorcerer." Banshee wasn't sure if they would be taken as boasting or a complaint. "Most others are born with it. Lately there has been a lot more... odd traits sprouting out of nowhere. Perhaps it's in the air." Banshee wrinkled her nose slightly as she listened further.

An explanation was offered and met with a few nods from the fanged fae. She was understanding of his situation even if she was aware that he could easily be lying to her face. Banshee rarely trusted anything anyone said. Most Wolves were riddled with ill intentions even if they don't think they are. Though, before she could offer her own introduction the male continued on. Compliments and questions were lifted into the air. Banshee offered a gentle raise of her brow before going onward with her own feminine tones. "I am Banshee Fatalis, Combat Medic of the Ashen Armada. One of two packs that form said Empire you ask of. We are the militant force that fully supports Ashen which is the pack that comprises of the Empire's royal family and it's primarily populous." The family Banshee had wished she never been born into at one point. "We hold most of the territory in this region. But, I can say most packs are just as protective of our land as we are." A pause. "Who are your siblings? I could keep an eye out for them."
