
Look Out 'Cause Here I Come



5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Ice Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterPride - AsexualDouble Master
Critical Fail!Valentines 2020
04-10-2020, 06:51 PM
I wanted to seek, but I got distracted

The smaller man moved forward to comfort the pale one and Lúta stifled a giggle at the kiss. How strange. Was this some sort of custom? She of course had never been kissed and it wasn't something done in public in her tribe. Such a thing would be considered scandalous. The smaller wolf turned to her and agreed to some tea which delighted Lúta. She loved talking over a nice warm cup of tea, especially on a chill autumn night. She could think of no better way to spend the evening. She glanced to the pale man to see how he was holding up. He still seemed a bit dazed but his companion was quick to speak on his behalf.

"I'm Luta. It's nice to meet you both." She waited for the smaller man to introduce himself before gesturing back toward the trees. "Our camp is this way, its not too far." She picked up her gathering of watercress and trotted back in that direction until she reached a flatter area between several trees where her companion had started a small fire. The macaque looked up and spoke. "It's about time you got back. I was starting to think you'd fallen in." Lúta set the watercress down. "We have visitors Ragna!" She immediately went to her bundle and began digging out bowls. Let's see she'd need a bowl for the watercress ointment. She fished out a glazed one and set it aside before pulling out two clean bowls for the men to drink their tea from.