
there's nothing more for me



3 Years
Dire wolf
Sylvia 1

04-10-2020, 08:46 PM
What a shit show that was.

The brute had come down to this auction because he had heard that it would be a decent place to find quality slaves and there would be a good fucking show to entertain him in the meantime. Instead they held half-ass auctions with less than impressive stock, demanded way too high a fucking price, and their so-called show was nothing more than pathetic slaves slapping each other like a bunch of wussies. Where was the blood? Where was the gore? Where were the bitches he could be thrusting into while he bought more whores for his pleasure? Whoever ran this shit show was going to pay for wasting his god damn time and money. At least they offered some halfway decent rum, and the pretty little bar wench serving him was at least something to look at. Virion sat brooding in the corner while they marched their pathetic stock up on the stage in the middle of the pouring rain, just waiting for the time to pass before he would set off for the next sale and hopefully find something worth his time. Then suddenly there were rumors being spread fast among some of the buyers within earshot. Something about an exotic beauty, with an impressive resume to back her up, being held for last.

Finally. Something interesting.

It didn't take long before Virion tracked down the source; a pathetic little insect of a guard who had been persuaded to sell the exotic with a hidden gem. Together the two cost more than half the lot, but by the way the other owner's glared daggers as Virion walked by, he could tell he had stumbled into something highly prized, and he wanted a taste. It took some time between the auction, the purchase, and gathering up his values for the house before he was finally directed to their holding space. For all the coin and furs he had to use to buy the pair, he was expecting nothing less than a caged goddess to be awaiting him behind those closed doors. Virion, would take nothing less. He kept his expression hardened as he approached the door, the rain completely drenching his russet form, causing the ripples of his muscles to become visible through his fur. He was cold. He was tired. He was pissed. This damn sale took too much of his fucking time.

So as he approached the door, he didn't bother to knock, he simply slammed his body into the barrier, causing the door to swing open violently with a cry from it's hinges. There, huddled against the far side of the room, was his prizes. Orange and green hued eyes pulled into a deep frown as he took in the scene before him. He had bought slaves. So why did they adorn themselves with cloth like they could actually fucking own something? Even the air they breathed was not their own. He let a rumble of displeasure rub against his vocal cords as he slowly inched further into the room. His massive height and girth quickly filled the door frame, adding a hint of discomfort as he was forced to fold his ears against his skull, less he scrape them along the frame. His eyes stayed honed in on the figures across from him, soaking in the sight of his new toys. One, in particular, was very striking in the way she seemed to hold herself differently from all the others slaves he was forced to look at all fucking day.

Spirit. It was like cocaine to the beast.

Nothing in this world was more satisfying than taking a creature that had never been through slavery before, watching it writhe and wither through the challenges, the cruelty, and still hang on to hope that maybe one day it would get better... then absolutely crush it, without mercy. To watch as those naive, spirited wolves slowly crumble under his weight as he stripped them of their entire identity, their purpose, their hope... and crafted them into nothing more than another prey to be hunted and killed. He had adored such punishment since he was young, but Virion has grown over the years, he has learned that while physical torment might be satisfying in the moment, it was the mental game that was truly satisfactory. Spirited slaves were the most invigorating opponents, as they often lasted longer than any other breed. However, Virion had never know a slave to have had so many masters, and still give off such an aura. Clearly, none of the previous master's knew how to break her in.

A small grin pulled at the corner of his rosy lips, as he took a few more, slow, calculating steps forward. This one blessed with a common beauty, nothing outrageously stunning to write home about. But the pierced veil, no matter how absurd, did give the slave a certain mysterious appeal. However she was hardly hidden by her cloth, which instantly gave Virion the identity of his two new slaves. This one, with the grey hues and delicious spirit that oozed from her presence, was clearly his rare exotic beast. Yet as tantalizing as it would be to directly torture such a highly valued object, he couldn't help but be intrigued by the smaller creature beside her. The hidden gem. That's what the seller had called it. Well, the disgusting cape it used to cover itself certain did the hiding part. But Virion couldn't help but wonder what lied beneath the cover? Thick paws cut into the earth as he continued his slow approach, his ever wondering eyes knew no boundaries, and understood no moral law. He was inspecting his new toys, after all.

When Virion finally stood mere feet from his prey, he finally spoke. His deep, baritone voice rumbled out of his chest with a tint of rum still laced along his tongue. "So... what makes you two so fucking special?" Orange and green eyes peered down at his exotic whore before honing down on the hidden wolf, knowing the longer it hid from his sight the slightly more enraged he was becoming. He would wait to unleash his first punishment however, his interest more focused on who would come forward to speak, or if neither of them would. His hardest decision of the day would be; which would he hate more?
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