seasonal healing prompt - fall yr 14
04-11-2020, 09:17 AM
I wanted to seek, but I got distracted
Speaking of comfrey root, Lúta had been meaning to put some in a tincture of white wine to see how that compared to the usual boiled infusion. She dug around in her bundle as she listened before pulling out a wrapped comfrey root. Lúta nodded. "It depends on the plant. For some plants the whole thing works just as well but for others the healing properties are concentrated in certain parts." She set the comfrey root in front of her. "For example, with comfrey a lot of its healing properties for coughs tend to concentrate in the root while it's properties for healing sprains and bruises concentrate in the leaves. At least as far as I've found anyway."
Lúta glanced at her bowl of tisane then back to Theory who was working on planting another coconut. "Good question. You'd want to put them in a bowl of water to let the water pull out the healing elements and then you'd drink the water. It works better usually if the water is warm so you could place the bowl in direct sunlight or what I usually do is set the bowl near a fire to heat it."