
Through Everything The World Continues To Revolve



5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Ice Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterPride - AsexualDouble Master
Critical Fail!Valentines 2020
04-11-2020, 01:47 PM
I wanted to seek, but I got distracted

Lúta eyed the amount of marigold in front of her and then began to snip off a few more plants. As she was crafting a few things from them today she'd need quite a few. She examined what she'd gathered and decided that was good enough for now. If she needed more she could always hop over and grab some. Her ears perked up at the sound of someone approaching and she turned to see an older man who spoke. "Oh, um, hi. I'm just gathering some marigold. I'm planning to dry some and make an infusion with the rest. I also have an abscess root I need to process." Goodness, she was getting in over her head! "

She trotted back over toward her bundle and set down the marigold she had gathered. She pulled out a number of stems, about half and bent her head to arrange them so they were all going the same way. Next she picked them up in her mouth and laid them on a piece of leather twine she had already set out. "What about yourself? Are you here to gather herbs?" Carefully she worked to tie the twine around the bundle until it was secure.

Eyeing the other amount of marigolds, she began to chew the tops off so that she had all the flowers in a pile. She examined the stems for a moment. Maybe she should try boiling these as well? Maybe she could try drying them. "My name is Lúta by the way. This is Ragna" She tried to be polite while working at the same time and in a way it would be nice to have some company. The macaque smiled and nodded at the man. "Nice to meet you."

Hmmm… as she thought about what she wanted to do with the leftover stems she moved over to the two abscess roots she had. Lúta maneuvered a small, flat stone about the size of her paw onto a flat piece of land. There she set one of the abscess roots onto the rock. She then took another flat stone and leaned on top of it with her paw to smash it. She proceeded to do the same with the other. Once each was smashed she took one root and set it in a bowl and then she took the other and set it in a jar before sitting back to wait a bit on the fire Ragna was working on. Soon the flames began to kindle and stretch up the kindling. "You're welcome to share our fire if you like."