
Strange plants, adapt now




3 Years
04-11-2020, 06:22 PM
Elizabeth had to admit that it was nice to be in the presence of another healer. Albiet it was someone not from her homelands too. Nice not to be questioned on what it was like being the daughter of a king and queen. The white wolf followed Luta to her makeshift camp, where to her surprise there was a monkey. Liz had met a couple on her journey to this place after all it had taken almost half of a year to travel to boreas to begin with. Making her very young to have made such a trip. Liz looked at the pack and her eyes lit up. She had to get her one of those, but it would probably be best if she waited. After all this land was still filled with things she didn't know despite what she had heard about it. It was in her best interest to be cautious after all.

"Sometime I'm sure I'll settle in a pack, but for the meantime I'll have to see where I can store herbs. Caves are usually really nice for that if you know how to protect them from the critters that can get inside." that's where she had kept her herbs originally back at home. She then turned to Ragna when she was introduced. "Oh my! Hello, you can call me Liz also if you'd like. It's what my siblings call me most days." she said this for Luta as well. Sitting down as the other finally asked something she could answer. She lived somewhere very dry - the area's that were lush with herbs had been dangerous. Forcing her to dry a lot of their herbs for wound care.

"Catmint does wonderfully dried it just takes a while to dry it. Especially if you don't live somewhere dry and hot." Liz wasn't sure if there was a place like that here yet. "A lot of herbs can be dried for later use, though sadly a lot of them are mostly for wound care. I haven't really tried it with herbs you ingest. Things like Yarrow, horsetail, Thyme can be dried too. Just like I said it's a big hassle since many of them you have to dry for a day or two before you get the result you want." that was when Luta wished that there was more time in the year. They were both young, Liz agreed that scrambling to get herbs prepared was the worst.

"Time goes by quick that's for sure. Back at home I was my packs primary healer so I had to make sure I had a surplus of herbs... Before I left we were in a time of war so I used a lot of them." Her eyes turned sad for a moment, she thought of her mother but then imidiately tied the memory away. No it had been a peaceful time after. "Thank you for showing me the root. I know a lot of herbs but many that grow here didn't grow back at home. It was a very barren land at times." that brought her to be excited over this. So many herbs!