
Fall into the depths of my arms


08-25-2013, 01:12 AM

Indifference shone in broken eyes, shattered by a soul crushing lost. Yet madness crept deep inside as they turned the world from truth to illusion. The fog, it clouded, molded, and shaped all that she new, all that she loved, and found purchase on the wandering soul of a forgotten child. She swayed back and forth as she watched him. Like a phantom, pacing, pining, for what? She wanted to reach out and touch him. To feel that fur against her skin and feel his bites sink into her. A shudder rose along her spine, brining her elation and confusion all wrapped into one. Her ears twitched as she held herself back, panting, waiting, praying, Dear Cerberus, the words were lost along her thoughts. Did she dare walk with phantoms and love what was meant to be left in ashes and ruins?

Could she call to him? If she said his name would he look at her? She was so torn. So sick with grief it road her body into oblivion and brought her to the underworld to bring his soul home. She blinked but the colors were the same. The smell was slightly off, why? She didn?t care all she wanted was to touch him. To make sure he was real and not a ghost playing with her mind. She moved slowly, watching, waiting, she was the shadow and he was her king. Her tail danced behind her with her impatience. She wanted to know. ?Kaios? the words were barley audible. Lost in her throat but still she coughed them free. She wanted him. Needed him. She couldn?t stand by and wait for the illusion to shatter and her heart to go with it.

She moved closer, inch-by-inch, drawing the distance but ever so quietly. She could almost touch that soft ebony fur. Feel his breath on her neck. Feel his teeth eager for her body. She shuddered with her need, it was almost overwhelming and soon enough she touched him just enough to know he was real. ?Does the dead walk with roses from the grave at which I buried you? Were my tears lost for nothing and here you stand alive and open for me to claim?? she questioned, her voice shaking with her desire to touch him again. If she just kept touching him he would be real. Just a little bit longer.
