
Strange plants, adapt now




3 Years
04-11-2020, 08:18 PM
Liz thought pack life was simply safer, but she knew there wasn't enough room for everyone. That was made clear with Montra they clearly over populated themselves for a place that didn't have enough prey and water for all of them anyway. Not that it was any of her business why her father let so many wolves into the pack and procreate to begin with. It did make things easier, IF the pack was structured correctly and led correctly but even then packs fell just like Montra did. In the midst of her thoughts though she watched as Luta.... unsheathed her claws? Liz's eyes widened - just like a cat! Her eyes were wide and her mouth slightly open as Luta made her way up the tree to fetch her drying catmint. Elizabeth had seen this of cats and big cats on her journey but never... a wolf! She jumped up suddenly, "Ah!" she exclaimed. "You have claws!" she sputtered suddenly but then realized this was rude. She shut her mouth and curled her tail around her haunches again as she sat down.

"S-sorry I've never seen a wolf do that before." Liz watched the healer work and a part of her felt like she had eager paws. She wasn't working with any of the herbs and of course it was because these herbs were not hers. "Y-yeah, it certainly is a thought about someone trying to eat a dried leaf." she laughed. It certainly would be hard to get it down the throat, but if you had to it would be an option considering drying herbs made them last for months, even seasons if done correctly. "You could soak them in a stream before giving or applying them topically. If you didn't have a source of fire for tea of course." it was just an idea anything to make sure a patient had an easier time eating it, but most herbs were bitter to begin with.

Luta asked about her pack and Liz sighed sadly. "My mother and father were the king and queen of the pack. Montra they called it. Sadly after my mother passed away my father I suppose couldn't handle the grief and died as well. Nobody wanted to take control and it disbanded. This was actually my mothers birthplace, she told me and my siblings of Boreas before. It's a two season long journey from where my pack was to over here. Since there was no pack left me and my brother and sisters decided it was best to return to our mother's homeland to see if we had any family who needed informing of our mothers death and seek out a home here." it still stung, while her mother had died three seasons ago the circumstances of the death made it worse. However she was not about to break a lie for a stranger. Her mother passed away peacefully and her father from a broken heart. Her sorrow was broken though by a kind gesture from a stranger as Luta offered her deer hides for carrying herbs.

"Oh are you sure? That would be wonderful really. I should find a place to hide my herbs too but I'm still getting the lay of the land!" she didn't know why Luta was being so nice to her. So a part of her wanted to ask. "Is there a particular reason you're being so nice to me?" maybe it was because they were both healers. However where Liz came from, nobody was kind to each other unless it was a benefit. Liz wasn't like that, but she knew how others could be and sometimes was cautious about it.