
To heal this land

Seasonal prompt solo, feel free to jump in!



3 Years
04-11-2020, 09:20 PM
Sunset falls, that’s what she had heard this place was called but she didn’t know that such a thing had happened. Apparently the local volcano had erupted and while Sunset Falls was not immediately close to the place it was clear that it had caused damage. She didn’t know what it looked like before, but from the looks of it various trees were now burnt and knocked over. Ash covered a few places but where that was the water seemed to have washed a bit of it away. Although the lack of tree’s was apparent anyway. The pools of water seemed to be running clear for the time being however Liz could tell these falls probably were filled with serene flowers and bushes that were now simply twigs or something less than that even.

She needed to explore the situation more, in her mouth she was carrying a pouch of deer pelt. The ones that Luta had given her - some were nestled back towards the south where she had been. But when she had heard rumors from others that this volcano had erupted she somehow had the urge to help. Liz had gathered as many seeds as she could of various kinds. Flowers and tree seeds, but apparantly it seemed that the best that would be for these lands would be the seeds of the flowers she stowed away. Liz trailed down another one of the cliffs rather easily. Landing in the sand free of vegetation, nearby however she could see tiny little sprouts of grass probably trying to recover from the devastation that had happened here.

Elizabeth would raise her head for a moment, her blue eyes looking towards where the volcano was. It was so large she could see it from here - smoke idly floating into the sky. She couldn’t imagine living to something so close she’d never seen something this close before. Though her mother had told her stories of the land and this Volcano had been involved in some of those stories. Which was why she still mildly knew what some of these lands were called.

“Alright Boreas, you need a little bit of help and I’m here to help.” she stated as she looked down the various pools of water. She would plant bunches of flowers here and there, imagining it had her tail wagging. She would start at the bottom and go up, she was upset that she hadn’t brought some bush seeds with her as well. It would have done the place good. Well with the sparse amount of tree’s it wouldn’t be hard to put a couple here and there. With the deer hide she could also provide a bit of water to get them started. It wouldn’t hurt to check on them every now and again if she could to make sure they were growing. However, flowers grew quickly and it was really a hit and miss if the tree’s would take. Luckily the land looked like it wasn’t in the need of trees as much as it was bushes and flowers.

Elizabeth began her descent towards the lower levels of the pools. Once she was at the bottom she placed the pouch off to the side on the bank. Then she moved to the ground near the pool. Listening to the steady fall of the water from one cliff to the next it was a beautiful place. Part of her wished that she could share this moment with someone mainly her siblings. Taking her tail she first started to dust the ground. This was to get rid of the ash that was around. Her white tail was being stained grey but that was the least of her concerns. As she cleared a large patch of dirt she began to dig with her paws. She dug until there was nice muddy brown earth. Every few inches she would do the same thing, once she felt like there was enough holes she turned back towards her pouch.

“I really didn’t think this through, did I?” She had shoved a bunch of seeds in here but they were miniscule. How was she supposed to plant them delicately. Well for one she could probably separate them from the much larger tree seeds and then pour them into the holes. Three or four seeds per hole should take just fine as it was not a given that all of them would sprout and create flowers.

That’s what Liz went with, she separated the tree seeds and then turned the pouch into a pour spout of sorts. Taking it slow she poured a little amount of the black seeds into the holes and then covered it up. Once this was done she went to the other side and did the same thing. Moving up and up to repeat the process. It was hard work Elizabeth found herself panting at the top of the falls as she sat down for a break. Her seeds were nearly all gone but down below where she had left the tree seeds - she also needed to plant those.

“This is hard work.” she told herself as she forced herself to stand up. Luckily she was young and once the trees were planted the only thing left would be to water them all. Liz carefully crawled back down to the acorn sized seeds - only making a handful of holes maybe ten up and down the falls as she placed them inside them. Lastly was watering them. As much as she wanted to stop she would power through. Elizabeth filled the deer hide pouch with water and began to sprinkle it around.

After getting tired of the pouch she began to fill her mouth with water and spit it all over the place. Though it seemed like that was more effort than the pouch was. Finally with the sun high in the sky she collapsed at the end of the falls.

“Mother nature you sure are a lot of effort.” she probably should have asked Kazier to help her with this but she didn’t. As a healer a part of her told herself she needed to do it herself. However as she stood up and took a look it almost looked like the sky was a bit brighter and the streams a little clearer. She wagged her tail, her task had been done and she would have to be back in a few days to make sure the plants were all growing. Elizabeth sat down and simply looked into the waters and up and down the falls. Breathing in the fresh air as she took a break well deserved.