
My Demons



Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Hunter (180)

11 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Christmas 2019Treat 2019
04-11-2020, 10:41 PM (This post was last modified: 04-17-2020, 01:17 AM by Cloudburst.)
Cloud is somewhat of an oddity when it comes to personality. He is curious about the world and those within it, wondering how things work and why. Despite his curiosity, he isn't the type to go sticking his nose into things or other peoples business. He observes from a distance, observes in silence as the world moves around him. He doesn't exactly feel the need to get into other people's business, and even as he grows older he'll never really get the urge to meddle in the affairs of others. Unless of course, it involves his own family. He is a quiet soul, not really one to speak unless spoken to, however, when it's just him and someone he's close to (mostly his brother Tyranis) then it's a whole other story. His personality becomes more outgoing when he's around them and only them. But around strangers, or even some of his siblings, he becomes reserved and almost...robotic, in a sense. He's quieter around others, less animated. He's not sure why he acts that way, but he doesn't really question or wonder it. He just knows he's different than those around him.

Cloud is the type to generally keep his mouth shut in most situations. Save for when it comes to his family, of course. He's extremely protective of his family, but when it comes to his brother, it's a whole different ball game. He feels a strong need and desire to protect and defend him from harm, even though his brother is well capable of taking care of himself, Cloud just can't help it. He loves his brother deeply, and though it may seem like he follows him like a lost puppy, the boy simply doesn't know what he'd do without him. The brothers have always been there for each other, and Cloud will do anything in his power to keep it that way. He feels the need to remain close to him, mostly, because as his only brother, knows that Ty understands him more than anyone out there.

One key reason in particular that Cloud chooses to stick as close to his brother as possible is because when he's near Ty, he feels more...normal. You see, Cloud has inherited some of his fathers schizophrenia. While it may not be as severe as his father's, he still has it in some form. His mind is plagued by a single, violent voice. Cloud genuinely fears this voice, and he never knows what he's going to do when it starts whispering. The voice mostly seems to come out when Cloud is hunting, and when he succumbs to the voice's will, he becomes extremely violent. Cloud goes on a vicious, bloodthirsty rampage and there's no telling when it will stop. He turns into a monster, unrecognizable by those who happen to witness it. Luckily for him, he hasn't harmed anyone else but his far. He has managed to get some control over it, though potentially not enough to keep from hurting someone if they so happen to cross his path during these episodes. Cloud still fears what might happen if he loses complete control. He doesn't know how to comprehend this, and so he tries to keep it at bay with his brother's presence. Somehow, his presence alone is often able to keep the voices and those weird feelings away. But other times...he can feel it creeping up.

When Cloud succumbs to the voice in his head, he "blacks out." He doesn't really know what he is doing during the time he's lost control and doesn't remember what happened when he finally comes out of it. He's working on that, but he finds it very difficult when he's fighting it alone.

While he may not be the most "normal" of the litter, Cloud has some decently good qualities about him. He's capable of being loyal to those he has come to trust, and those are very far and few in between. First and foremost, his loyalty and trust is given to his brother freely and without question. Secondly, it's given to his mother and the rest of his blood family, and then to whatever pack he might be in, regardless of what their alignment or beliefs might be. He is indifferent when it comes to others he is not related to, and unless you're one of the select few who has somehow managed to be a big part of his life, then he doesn't really care what happens to you. He won't fall to pieces if a fellow pack mate has died, or if something bad happened to someone that he had previously met. He has his own life to live, and to spend time and energy worrying about others (with the exception of his direct family), isn't worth it to him.

This leads him to have a sort of detached manner about him. He doesn't particularly care about other lives, much less so if they're insignificant in his life or if they don't really have any sort of influence or importance to him.