
red right hand




Advanced Intellectual (95)

Master Fighter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

8 Years

The Ooze ParticipantUnderachieverSnake EyesBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019
04-12-2020, 01:31 PM
It'd been a decent while since Caelia had come to the Battlefield. She'd lost her last fight here, but she felt like it had been a good learning opportunity nonetheless. Fighting against an opponent that wasn't someone familiar had been a challenge, but a welcome one, and despite her loss she didn't feel the least bit worried about trying again. It was all a step toward bettering herself as a fighter, and being more capable of protecting her family and the rest of Valhalla in the process... well, whatever family she had left. The thought of her brother who she hadn't seen for awhile now suddenly filled her mind, though she forced those thoughts temporarily away as she neared the Battlefield.

Luckily for her, someone's call - an invitation to spar - rang out across the field. The voice was male and sounded young enough that her interest was sparked. Picking up her pace, Caelia loped toward the voice, slowing as the figure came into view. Her immediate reaction, though it was hardly characteristic of her, was that the stranger was attractive. Nothing about him was immediately discernible to her other than that. He had an impressive build, quite a bit larger than her, with a pale white coat and darker brown markings. Only as she drew closer did she feel ashamed for even dwelling on his appearance; he was much younger than she'd realized at first, thanks to his size, and she felt a dull heat rise to her cheeks as she approached. She rarely thought about such things anyway, and to harbor such thoughts about a yearling?

Caelia shook her head as she approached, as if the motion might somehow dislodge her thoughts from the forefront of her mind. She was here to fight, not to gawk at strangers. It was easier to forget her train of thought when she drew closer, his scent clearly marking him as a yearling, far too young for her. "You're here for a practice fight?" Caelia asked curtly, coming to a halt a good few meters from him still, her head held high. There was no hint of wariness in her posture; she was here to practice and hoped that this stranger was good for a no-nonsense fight as well.