
Suppers On


Odette I


3 Years
Sylvia 1

04-12-2020, 03:08 PM

Odette Mooncrest

After being dragged over half the territory by her runaway chick, Odette was beyond grateful when the sight of her little den came into view. Home sweet home!  The female almost had a skip in her step, and had she been traveling alone, she just might have leaped into the air in celebration. But as the fawn woman peered over her shoulder, gazing at the brute who towered over her form, she smiled softly. Killian Klein was a most admirable warrior and quickly becoming one of Odette's favorite accidental run-ins. Without his help after all, Dash would most likely have run past the pack border and out of Odette's reach, lost to the wilderness, bound to be ingested by the hoards of predators that lurked just beyond. Though some of those predators seemed to adore lurking past the borders and jumping into the hen house, feasting on the poor woman's helpless birds. Odette may appear as a bigger predator to such creatures, but the moment any one of them turned to fight back, she was helpless! A lover, not a fighter, she was.

Tossing a joyful grin over her side, Odette called out to the male in a cheery voice; "We're here! The hen house will be on the other side of the den." Just close enough that she could keep an ear out while she attempted to sleep, but far enough away that the rooster didn't deafen the woman during his morning calls. The hen house, compiled of harvest wood logs and thick pine branches, was planted firmly in the ground, with a sliding door to allow the chickens in and out each day and night. The fence, which often was invaded by predators, composed of smaller wooden branches that crossed and twisted together to form posts and layered fences. It wasn't much but Odette struggled as it was just to haul large logs from the Sea's Plain into the Tall Grass, being the small woman that she was.

When they got closer Odette motioned her head towards the makeshift fire pit outside her den. "I'll grab one of the birds I defeathered this morning and get to cooking. Have you had one before?" Perhaps the warrior had already tasted the fine meat from the preserves she brought to the pack center, and if so, Odette would be happy to cook to his preference. If not, the fawn female thought about some of the herbs she had stacked on the shelves in her den, wondering which would add the best flavor. Of course she was nervous to have company over, as it had been quite some time since she had anyone to speak to other than the alphas and their brood of little devils.


Table by Sea
Art by Fox
Odette has a Sand Cat companion named Cordonia, and a Welsummer Rooster named Dash. Unless mentioned, it is safe to assume they are not  with her.