
the potential of you and me



Expert Fighter (210)

Expert Hunter (185)

10 Years

VolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
04-12-2020, 03:21 PM
Twig felt herself adoring his easy smile that brightened as they reunited. Even with the heavy weight on their shoulders she found that happiness was easy around Corvus. He was easily her best friend, and as her thoughts shifted to the possibilities of more than friends her heart beat more quickly. She fought to keep her breath as her cheeks flushed pink as she listened to his answer. Corvus was honest and he seemed to at least half reflect her own thoughts. Surely they would be raided any day, the tension held over them was almost worse than the raid itself. She leaned into his touch before he pulled away, and shook herself of the anxiety of it all.

”Better,” she offered, enjoying his touch much more than she ought to. ”I can breathe a little easier with Beat back within pack lands.” Twig continued to explain. ”I’ll feel better when this raid is finally over and done with.” She didn’t mean to let the irritation into her voice, but the waiting period had been torturous for what seemed like everyone in the pack.. ”I know it’s not even winter yet, but I hope the Spring brings fortune to Abaven.” Everyone deserved a bit of good luck, a free smile or two.

”Thanks for checking up on me.” A smile devoted solely to him played over her pale features as she raised her lavender gaze to his forest green gaze. Twig made an attempt to lighten the mood, their last talk had been too emotional. She wanted to enjoy her time with him. ”Do you… have any plans tonight?” She asked hesitantly as her hair stood on end and her heart dropped into her stomach. ”I think I owe you a rematch on a race and um..” She couldn’t hold his gaze any longer and looked out over the water shyly. ”Treat you to dinner.”