
Look Out 'Cause Here I Come



6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Pride - GayBeevent
04-12-2020, 03:23 PM

Octave quickly gathered the herbs he'd managed to harvest and then followed after the other two, shifting his gaze to his paws as they walked. The smell of smoke brought his attention back up as they approached a clearing, noticing the strange creature tending it, he looked a little like Noko but bigger and with a strange face. LĂșta spoke to it in friendly tones but Octave kept his gaze on the creature for a moment before Kite reached out. Then his attention was once more on the small man. He felt his face flood with heat again. He gave a wide-eyed nod in response to Kite's question.

He moved to settle around the fire, gently placing his bundle near his paws but noticing Kite had settled near him, even it was still somewhat of a respectful distance. Kite offered a question and Noko quickly answered for the pair. "Not originally. Octave's father was born here and for a time his mother wandered these lands but they met elsewhere and both Octave and I were born off the continent. But his family decided to return and we've been living in a pack that's mostly run by his father's side of the family for a while now."

Noko was still concerned about Kite's state and based on the concerned glances Octave was giving the other man she could tell he was too, but the pair would wait to bring it up. Noko turned her attention to LĂșta, curious about the colorful woman's own answer to the question.

Octave & Noko

[Image: dPPg3BE.png]
Octave mostly speaks through his Red bellied Lemur companion Noko, assume she's with him unless explicitly stated otherwise
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3