
Oh, What a Beautiful Morning!



10 Years
08-25-2013, 04:43 AM (This post was last modified: 08-25-2013, 06:34 PM by Aures.)

. . .

It had been about a month since the birthing of Ocena and Gargoyle's second litter. Bathed in the love and adoration from both parents, the pups were already aware of how amazing those affections could be for their childhood memories. In particular, Odette was rather fond of the licks and nuzzles she received from her daddy. True to her heart, Odette did love her mother. Ocena was the one who had given birth to her, after all, and she would forever be in debt to the small woman. However, she couldn't help but want to curl up close to Gargoyle at night. The strong male was definitely her future role model, and at such a young age, that was saying something.
One morning, before the sun had started to rise, a pair of mix-matched eyes quickly opened. Odette didn't know why she was up so early. Maybe it was because she had been dreaming about chasing some unknown piece of prey, explaining why she was laying on her side, moving her legs in a running fashion. It could also have been because she wasn't next to her father anymore. From where she had been curled up next to his massive frame, she was now a couple of body rolls away. Odette immediately pouted, but it disappeared faster than it came. Why be upset over such things when it wasn't intended to happen in the first place?
With a brighter outlook on what kept her from being close to Gargoyle, Odette rose to all four tiny paws. She stretched her little legs, wagging her small tail as she looked around the dark den. It wasn't as dark as it had been when she had fallen asleep, for some early morning night sky was slowly making its way to their chosen cave. Her gaze rested on her sleeping family and another kind of warmth rose in her chest: love. She knew she was blessed to be with her brother and sister, let alone the large canines that made her existence possible. (Odette wasn't quite sure how they did it, but she knew Mamas and Daddys were the ones who were responsible for her being there.) Such thoughts were too big for a small pup, but she didn't know about that, either!
After a few seconds, she padded towards the opening of the cave. Her eagerness to leave the den and see all there was to see was making her paws itch. She wouldn't go without her parents, though. The whole world was a complete stranger to her and she didn't like the idea. Maybe, when she was older, the concept of the world wouldn't be as bad. For now, she was content with being wrapped in the curiosity of the outside world, but still wary enough to be close to her family's security.



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